Finding Balance and Avoiding Burnout

burnout healthcare-innovation podcast portfolio-career Jul 11, 2023
Podcast tile with portrait photo of Dr Amandeep Hansra. Title of the Burnout Recovery podcast Finding balance and avoiding burnout

When Dr Amandeep Hansra first started her own journey towards a portfolio career in medicine, she had no idea it would lead to an unexpected twist - the creation of an invaluable and growing resource for medical professionals looking to explore the different aspects of their career. Discover how her approach to balance and variety in her work weeks has enabled other clinicians to unlock innovative solutions, avoid burnout, and provide better care for their patients.


"My goal is really to find great innovation, help nurture entrepreneurs, and change the future of healthcare." Dr Amandeep Hansra


In this episode, you will be able to:

Discover techniques for addressing healthcare professional burnout and establishing equilibrium in work and life.

Realize the importance of forging strong community bonds and supportive environments in pursuing non-traditional medical paths.

Identify the advantages of encouraging portfolio careers in medicine for increased satisfaction and career longevity.

Unravel the potential of innovative and creative approaches in boosting patient quality care and well-being promotion.


Dr Amandeep Hansra's bio and links:

Dr Amandeep Hansra is a practising GP and an expert in digital health and innovation. Alongside her clinical work, she currently works as a Principal at Main Sequence Ventures (CSIRO’s Innovation Fund) bringing her nearly two decades of clinical experience to her approach in picking great impactful companies for investment in the health sector. Amandeep is also the NSW clinical lead for the Australian Clinical Entrepreneur Program (AUSCEP).

She was the founder of Creative Careers in Medicine, an organisation with 18,000 members, that supports doctors in navigating careers off the beaten path. Her goal is to ensure we have doctors with the right skill sets for the jobs of the future.


Want some practical burnout recovery tools to use right now? Need relief at your fingertips?

Buy The Complete Burnout Recovery program, created by Dr Jo Braid, and you will have burnout solutions in your pocket. 

Get the Course

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