Why getting away can bring you back to your true self

burnout prevention burnout recovery coach dr jo braid family time holiday stress identity perspective shift self-reflection travel benefits work life balance Jul 14, 2023
Photo of Kawaru Falls surrounded by mountains in Queenstown, New Zealand.


I recently took a break with my family and friends to Queenstown, New Zealand, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you.

Holidaying or the thought of it can often spark stress or anxiety within us however, taking a break or going on a holiday is a tool to prevent burnout.

This week on The Burnout Recovery Dr's socials, I have been talking about IDENTITY and I would like to ask you:

- How would you describe yourself?

- How would others describe you?

Life is busy. We often become entrenched in our working roles and forget who we are outside of this. Are you bringing your work role into other facets of your life?

Taking time away offers you space to reflect and connect with family and friends and also with yourself.

Visiting new places, taking in the scenery, aromas and sounds take us away from the norm and stresses of daily life allowing you to relax, unwind and take in a fresh perspective.

If you don't plan this time into your life, you will continue doing what you've always done which can lead to burnout. 

Placing priority on time away is a form of self love, practicing boundaries and balance and should never be a guilty pleasure.

During my time away I reflected and found that:

  • I get on autopilot sometimes and being on holidays invited me to regroup and become aware of what really matters. 
  • I love spontaneity with my kids. Finding an unexpected swing by Lake Wakatipu was a hit with all of us!!!
  • doing something brave everyday. Going on a new ski run. Going up a chairlift for the first time to explore an area not yet ready for skiing. Going down a luge for the first time. I can do this when I’m not in holidays too (something brave).

I have included some images of my time in Queenstown. I hope they give you fresh perspective and inspire you to book a holiday or go on that hike!

If you find yourself entrenched in your work role and you have lost sight of your true identity, please reach out, I am here to help.

Want some practical burnout recovery tools to use right now? Need relief at your fingertips?

Buy The Complete Burnout Recovery program, created by Dr Jo Braid, and you will have burnout solutions in your pocket. 

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