Who will you "be" in 2024?

burnout recovery coach dr jo braid change your mind daily habits decisions ahead of time emotional guidance intentional living personal growth self-reflection values alignment Jan 08, 2024
Image of waves of colour blue, brown and white. with burnout recovery dr logo over the top.

It’s the second week of 2024…the vibe feels calmer than the busy-ness and hustle of December…some time to pause, reflect and focus on the year ahead from an intentional space. 


“We can outsource productivity, but we cannot outsource rest”


In this blog post I invite you to intentionally pause and take a moment to consider how do you want to feel this year? What is the emotion you want to embody that will guide what you do?


Here are a selection of words that you might consider:

Bold, abundant, confident, fearless, capable, energetic, expansive, audacious, loving, committed, fun, relaxed, joyful, daring, magnetic, charming, creative, ambitious, content, easygoing, resilient....


Finding your word of the year can give you clarity in reaching your goals. It can support your decisions - yes or no - to requests and opportunities for you during the year. When you are clear on who you are “being” then what you “do next” is more obvious. 


Here’s a short guide to work through your word of the year:

1. Name your word of the year - the feeling you want to embody to achieve your goals 

2. Why did you choose this word? Knowing your why will support you in embodying this word throughout 2024. 

3. What will be different in the day to day when you are being “your word of the year” through this year?

4. What might get in the way of your word of the year? If we are aware of our obstacles and plan how to get around them, they are less likely to stop us in our tracks.

5. How will you know you are embodying your word of the year?

6. What are 3 habits you practice consistently?


Finally here is a way you can remind yourself of your word of the year on the regular.


Put a post it up, a screensaver, a daily pop-up reminder on your phone with “I am ………….”.

Secondly, celebrate your wins when you are showing up embodying your word of the year. For example if my word of the year is “bold”, small wins could be wearing a special item of clothing, going to meet some new people, or saying “no” to someone. 

Thirdly, reflect on how your week or month has been in showing up with your word of the year. What went well? What challenges did I face? What can I do next week/month to embody my word.  

If you want to get clarity around your values in 2024, register for my upcoming free workshop on Tuesday 6th February at 7pm AEST.






Want some practical burnout recovery tools to use right now? Need relief at your fingertips?

Buy The Complete Burnout Recovery program, created by Dr Jo Braid, and you will have burnout solutions in your pocket. 

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